Strategising, Managing and Responding to Change

To keep pace in a constantly evolving business world, organisations often need to implement enterprise wide changes affecting their processes, products and people. Change is a fact of life in businesses today. It can be difficult, and people often resist it. But to develop an agile workplace culture, organisations should follow a systematic approach to managing major change. The aim of this intervention is to help organisations during this turbulence and make a smooth shift. Typically this intervention is carried out over months as change management is a lengthy process. Along with this a detailed diagnosis is also required to understand the organisation’s needs better.

Intervention Content

  •  Clarifying roles in change management process
  •  Clarifying what is changing and why
  •  Clarifying success measures
  •  Creating an action plan for change 
  •  Identifying risks and creating risk-mitigation plans
  •  Designing plans for communication 
  •  Enable catalysts and leaders
  •  Manage resistance
  •  Reinforcing behaviours that are aligned to the change. 


  •  Smoother transition
  •  Systematic change process and management
  •  Better acceptance of change
  •  Better sustenance of the changed processes.