Manager Development
The journey from being an individual contributor to a manager is natural in most organizations. However, being successful as a manager requires a unique set of skills. Being aware of these skills at a foundation level opens up the possibility of systematically acquiring them over the years. The manager development program is a set of modules that provide an introduction to the managerial journey. While each of the modules could be a workshop on its own, the application seems more practical when modules are introduced in a well-stitched sequence that is customized according to the context of the organization. The workshop requires involvement of the reporting managers as well as function heads, in order to truly customize the content. It is typically conducted in a time spaced format over 3-5 days.
Self Awareness
Understanding managerial competencies
Managing Self (Goals/Time/Energy/Priorities)
Managing Others (Goals, performance)
Newly promoted managers
Team Leaders
Executives identified as team leaders.
Clarity of role as manager
Sense of ownership and commitment towards team
Systematic delegation and Performance Management
Improved Communication