FunLearning Workshop
It is said that you leave behind a legacy when your customers are consistently satisfied. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and consistently delivering value to customers, businesses leave behind a lasting legacy of excellence, trust, and positive influence. This is what we witnessed recently while working with the sales & marketing team of a leading sustainable packaging solutions company. Alluding to leaving a legacy, one of the participants left us with a profound quote “Each person dies twice; once (s)he stops breathing and second time when someone says his/her name for the last time.” Element78’s contribution to this annual kick-off meeting was to engage the South Asian team on continuing to build this legacy, exploring the meaning of adding value and reflecting on unlearning with fun, thus making it a FunLearning workshop. Getting the cohort into uncomfortable situations, engaging in unpredictable exercises, unlearning the outdated, we attempted to unlock the possibilities while building unforgettable moments.